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Derby Wellbeing


Derby Wellbeing is part of the Living Well Derbyshire model of care and is a new way of approaching mental health and how services are delivered. It ensures that support is joined up, focuses on the whole person’s needs and can be easily accessed from the community.

Our Derby Wellbeing team (Becky Edwards, Brett Sentance and Leigh Timmis) are working with the NHS on this project.

If you would like more information about the Derby Wellbeing project, you can download the Derby Wellbeing Collaborative Report below:

Derby Wellbeing Collaborative Report (3,584.14 KB)

The Derby City Collaborative

The Derby City Collaborative is a group comprising of commissioners, providers, the statutory sector, the voluntary sector, local authority and people with lived-experience of mental health. It meets once a month at the Derby West Indian Community Association. If you would like more information about the Collaborative, or to attend, please email Brett at: