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Free support for adults waiting for an autism assessment


Are you an adult waiting for your autism assessment? Need free practical advice and information?

Derbyshire Autism Services and Joined Up Care Derbyshire are introducing Specialist Wellbeing Navigators to help you navigate life while you wait for your assessment.

These specially trained workers can offer advice and information, signpost you to appropriate services and offer practical short-term support. Their mission is to equip adults with the skills and connections they need to thrive before they receive their assessment. With support, the wait for answers isn't so daunting.

Your assigned worker will be available to you via text, email and phone calls at a time that suits you, whether you need support with housing, benefits, finding social support or just want to know more about autism.

To find out more or sign up for help and support, contact Derbyshire Autism Services on the details below and mention "Specialist Wellbeing Navigators":