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Derby Wellbeing Collaborative - July 2024

Networking at Derby Wellbeing Collaborative

IMG_3952.JPGThanks to all those who came together for our July Derby Wellbeing Collaborative last week. Brett Sentence, one of our Derby Wellbeing VCSE Workforce Leads led an interesting session, with attendees from the NHS, Derby City Council, Community Action Derby, groups from Derby’s VCSE sector and people with lived-experience.

Derby Wellbeing is a new way of approaching mental health and how services are delivered. The Derby City Collaborative is a group comprising of commissioners, providers, the statutory sector, the voluntary sector, local authority and people with lived-experience of mental health. It meets once a month at the Derby West Indian Community Association (DWICA).

In the Collaborative’s spirit of sharing stories of lived experience, at this session, Brett shared his personal story of progression & change.

Michael Dawes from Al – Hurraya, an organisation offering peer-led, culturally specific support, spoke about its gambling support service. Al-Hurraya, which means freedom, offers a range of support, including workshops, mentoring sessions and one-to-one counselling, all of which are culturally specific to ensure people get the best possible support.

To round off the session, each table had a discussion about what Derby Wellbeing should focus on going forward, such as pieces of work that can be developed together and how to support communities that do not currently engage with mental health services.

The next Wellbeing Collaborative will be held at the end of August. If you would like more information about the Collaborative, or to attend, please email Brett at