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Darley Abbey Scout Hall Seeks Regular Booker to Save Hall

Photo of Darley Abbey Scout Hall exterior

Darley Abbey Scout Hall has lost a regular daytime booker and in order to save the hall, they are seeking a group/organisation looking to book the whole of the week, although several groups booking one or more days could work. They are unable to accomodate hourly slots due to the capacity of the volunteers.

The location of the hall is: The Hill, Darley Abbey, Derby DE22 1DT

Current availability is for all weekdays, from 8am to 4pm - hire rate £20k pa - yearly increase in line with inflation (average of CPI and RPI for the latest month statistics are available).

An earlier start would not incur any additional rental charge.

A later finish to 17.45 would be acceptable, but on the following terms:

  • Where possible, on days where the 16.15 to 17.45 slot is already allocated, the Main Hall would not be available after 4pm, and you would be asked to operate from the John Bentley Room.
  • Should this prove impossible to operate satisfactorily, or be deemed impossible from the start, the Hall would be prepared to terminate existing bookings - but would then expect to increase your hire fee to cover any lost income from the terminated bookings. Currently the income from potentially affected bookings is approximately £2,500pa.

The Hall would operate a rolling 3 month contract, with cancellation by either party.

All service payments (gas, electricity, wi-fi) included in hire fee. All cleaning materials and hardware (toilet rolls, Tork towels, liquid soap, Dettol sanitiser, Flash, Domestos, DEB sanitiser stations, vacuum cleaners, sweeping brushes etc) will be provided, and serviced.

Wear and tear is covered in the hire fee. Breakages due to misuse, or malicious damage, must be paid for. The Hall expects all hirers to leave the Hall in an acceptable state for the next occupation. The Hall is currently cleaned, and the cleaning cupboard is restocked, every weekend.

You can see some more pictures of the Hall below.

For more information / if you are interested in booking the Hall, please contact Hall Manager John Larmer at

Photo of Darley Abbey Scout Main Hall Photo of Darley Abbey Scout Hall - John Bentley Room Photo of Darley Abbey Scout Hall - Kitchen Photo of Darley Abbey Scout Hall - Disabled toilet
  • Organisations
  • venue hire