Derby City Sport Forum
Derby City Sport Forum brings together clubs, facility operators, governing bodies and others interested in promoting and developing sport for the city and its residents. For more information contact Helen Britten.
Voluntary Sector Forum
The Voluntary Sector Forum is open to anyone working in or with Derby’s diverse voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. The forum meets quarterly and is a great opportunity to network, hear news from the sector and our statutory partners and to showcase voluntary action in our communities. Please contact Claire Thornber for more info.
Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum
Brings together organisations that involve volunteers from across all sectors in Derby city to: promote and celebrate volunteering and voluntary action; share models of good practice and policy; remove barriers to volunteering: and promote diversity. To find out more call 01332 346266.
Youth Alliance
The Derby City Youth Alliance is a coalition of community organisations who have come together to help support young people in Derby to be safe, develop and prosper. The Youth Alliance works with partners from a broad range of specialist organisations to cover all age groups and provide individual support to enhance the chances of young people in Derby. For more information on the Youth Alliance and how it works, please contact Michelle Butler.
Derby Health Inequalities Partnership
DHIP was started in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which shone a light on inequalities in the city and on the good work and potential of communities to respond to this challenge. DHIP is a co-led, joint initiative between Derby City Council (Public Health) and Community Action Derby, working together with community organisations and leaders to help achieve better health outcomes in the city.
For more info email or visit
Derby City Wellbeing Collaborative
The Derby City Collaborative is a group comprising of commissioners, providers, the statutory sector, the voluntary sector, local authority and people with lived-experience of mental health. It meets once a month at the Derby West Indian Community Association. If you would like more information about the Collaborative, or to attend, please contact Brett Sentance.